Program Details

Age Groups: Minimum age of 12 years as of December 31st in the current year

  • Junior referees are an integral part of the GCBA House League program and compliment our coaching program to develop players in the game of basketball.
  • Referees must be registered GCBA members and have reached the minimum age of 12 years as of December 31st in the current year.
  • Our referees are trained using FIBA rules.

How to become a Junior Referee

  • New referee candidates are identified during the GCBA Online Registration process by clicking YES in the “Player Information” section regarding Referees.

  • Training Sessions take place in September each year.

  • Returning referees and new referee candidates are emailed “Referee Training and Registration” packages the first week of September

Useful Information

How Junior Referees are Chosen and Trained?

  • Junior referees at the entry level receive 5 hours of classroom instruction from the head referee and must write an exam on their instruction before being accepted into the program.
  • Training in game situations for entry level referees is done through a mechanics session, but moves quickly to real games, as this is the best place to learn.
  • Second year referees also receive the 5 hours of classroom instruction. Those who have been in the program longer are monitored to ensure their skills meet a certain level.
  • Training then continues on the floor with “trainers” who coach and mentor the younger referees.


All new candidates and returning referees are assessed according to skill and aptitude from the written exam and practical sessions before the season starts. Most 1st year referees start officiating games at the Novice level (8-9 year olds) accompanied by a trainer throughout the season.
YES, but it’s not automatic. All returning referees are reassessed and assigned an age group based on results from the written exam and practical sessions before the season starts. Effort, skill and desire will determine how quickly you advance in the program.
U10, U12, U14, U16, U19 and Trainer.
Yes, they are on a monthly basis. Pay scale is determined by the level they are assigned to. The older the age group, the higher the pay.
You must be 18 years of age or older before being considered a trainer and is based on need and/or by request. Trainers are the “cream of the crop” and must possess excellent technical, teaching and personal skills as well as a strong aptitude for the game. On any given Saturday, our trainers will referee 1.5 to 3 hours of games at the senior levels, then spend 3-5 hours training. Their day often starts at 8 a.m. and does not end until 5 p.m.
Must register with the GCBA and select YES to want to become a referee on the form. Once registered You’ll need to attend the written exam session and practical training sessions as per the Referee Training Schedule on the GCBA website.

All players must be REGISTERED with the GCBA to participate.

For more information, please email the GCBA office at